Joy of Joy's Misadventures and Gang
Baking Partners challenge#4 Shaped Dinner rolls
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I did my first guest post on I Wash, You Dry.
Check our my corn bread chicken nuggets!!!!
It is the time of year where you swear to yourself you will complete a task for the following year. Normally it is the same thing each year. My favorite one I say each year is to lose weight or get healthy. This year I have a few. I don’t really expect to complete all of them but at least I plan to try.
1. Try to hold my temper and be more patient with my kids, especially with a certain 3 year old that loves to say...Mommy, I WANT IT NOW! I will try to speak calmly instead of stomping and itching when I would get frustrated
2. I will try not to get irritated when The Husband criticizes me on how I made something. Of course Honey, you are right. I’m sure I’m doing it wrong even through you have no idea what is puff pastry or a macaron is. (He actually knows these since I have made them enough times. A marcaron is a little hamburger)
3. Of course, to lose weight and eat healthier (sucks when all I want to cook involves frying or sugar).
4. I will make time for myself somehow: like reading, cooking, exercising, and attempting to relax
5. My main one is to be organized. I have a feeling that if I was more organized, I wouldn’t be scrambling in the last minute and I wouldn’t get irritated when someone would criticize me or bug me for my attention. I might even get a chance to plan stuff where I could eat healthier and exercise.
I know this may be a lot of stuff but one could hope and there is always next year.
I do hope that I will be able to do more recipe development and blog more often. I just need an extra 4 hours of my day. If anybody have some extra time handy, please pass it my way. Thanks!
I hope you have a wonderful and safe New years. Please eat for me since I “should” eat healthier starting now.
From my family to yours, Happy Holidays.
Love, eat, and enjoy the ones you love.
Joy of Joy's Misadventures