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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Project Food Blog VOTE FOR ME

You are probably wondering why you should vote for me and for what?  I am part of a online foodie community called FoodBuzz.  Through this website, I have "meet" so many people with the same interest.  I love the website because I get inspired everyday.  I learn about various techniques and food combinations I would never think of using.  They are hosting a little competition called the Project Food Blog.  Each week there is a challenge and if you are selected, you get to move on to the next round.  When I heard about this, I immediately entered.  Food and blog challenges also challenges me to learn and grow as a chef. 

The first challenge was main to let the world know about me and why I should continue on in this competition.  If you know me, I'm pretty much an open book (a nice way of saying, I talk way too much).  For this challenged I asked myself this question, what defines me as a foodie?

I was a foodie at a young age.  I would go to a bakery and just stare at all the beautiful pastries they would offer.  I thought it was amazing how the bakers took simply ingredients and created something so elegant as a cake, croissant, or even a cookie.  More times than not, I would hide the little masterpiece I chose at a bakery and I would only eat a little at time so it would last longer. 

During college, I did look into culinary schools but The Brother reminded me my resistance as a child in learning how to cook from my grandmother.  I resisted as much as possible not to learn how to cook.  My loving Lola would ask me, what will I do when I get married.  My response was "I will just marry someone that could cook".  This is probably why I was never promoted from peeling and chopping.  So that career choice was out, I shouldn't have listened to him. 

I'm a late blogger, one of my good friends Anna introduced me into blogging by her blog.  I thought it was a great outlet but I didn't think I had anything to say.  I was really surprised when I started, I had quite a few ideas.  There was bumps in the beginning but I'm glad I stuck to it. 

My philosophy on cooking is that each attempt at a recipe is an adventure.  There are new techniques and flavors that would be explored.  I even considered the mishaps adventures.  Those adventures teaches you what not to do. 

Click on The Daughter's picture on the side to see my profile.  Voting starts the 20th. 


  1. You're sweet to mention I know what I'm going to get you for New Years. Strunk & White's "The Elements of Style" :D

    Good luck!

  2. Best of luck in Project Food Blog! I know you will do great. Keep it up!

  3. Great post Joy! Glad to get to know you a little better! Good luck with the contest, so glad to have met you!

  4. It was nice learning more about you! Good luck!

  5. whether you are a late blogger or an early doesn't matter...your blogging and your'e part of a community now...don't sell yourself short...we could all learn something from your blog!

    much luck to you in the contest!

  6. Great post! It was fun learning about you!

  7. The picture of The Daughter wither baking mitt is precious. Great post and Good Luck in the contest!

  8. I'm participating in PFB too and looking forward to reading everyone's great posts!

  9. Good luck on all the challenges! It's great to hear some of your stories.

  10. what a fun way to think of it as everything as an adventure!

  11. Another incredible introduction for PFB. I am posting mine tonight and I hope my story comes off as fun as everyone's I have read so far.

    I wish everyone luck and when my number is up I definitely know it will be hard to decide who to vote for to move on to the finish.


  12. Great post, Joy! I'm in my 40s and only just started blogging about food, is that considered too late? I hope not, it certainly feels natural - though the technical part sometimes gets in the way ;-). Good luck for PFB, I always like reading about your food adventures!

  13. Goodluck, Joy! You got my vote...

  14. Lovely post :) Good luck in the competition!!

  15. I just started blogging consistently in the last year so I'm a late blogger too so you're not alone. Good luck in the competition!

  16. I love getting to know you a little better. Best of luck with the competition!

  17. every moment cooking is an adventure not to be missed :)

  18. I like your adventurous spirit. Great post! Best of luck with PFB!

  19. I always enjoy your blog, I will vote for you!

  20. Where is your voting link? I'm not sure you have your widget in right? I'll look for you a different way!

  21. Sent a HAPPY ♥ vote your way. See you in round two!

  22. Great post! I was so happy to read you are a "late blogger", because I am too. I have always wanted to have a food blog, but my natural shyness talked me out of it for a few years. It's great to hear I'm not the only one that's not 20something out here!
