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Thursday, January 7, 2010

A New Year

A new year and a new set of resolutions.  I know I'm late in posting this but I had a slew of issues at home.  Lets see, a sick baby which turned into a sick family.  I love when it gets passed from one person to another and than loops again to the first person.  The munchkin is getting better but not 100% as of yet.  Which means, she is as active as before but crabby.  Such a lethal combination.  Than my camera broke!  I'm still out a camera but I was finally able to pull the images off the camera.  I'm stuck with my point and shoot which is quite frustrating.  Hopefully soon, I'll get back to posting kinda regular.  This is one of my resolutions this year....speaking of resolutions, here are mine this year:

1. More patience.  This is huge for me.  I believe I have patience but I know I could work on it.  Especially with the husband and munchkin.  Breathing exerceses might help or even yoga :D  I could also opt for more sleep.  That might be the result. 
2. Be healthier.  I'm forcing my whole family to do this.  In light of the munchkin's allergies, we are limited to the food we could eat.  I'm going to look toward vegan options but don't worry, I'm still going to explore other avenues.  The husband might go crazy with vegan meals. 
3. Be a little more organized.  This ties into posting more regular and maybe meal planning instead of the panic every night to find food.  Hopefully this will cause us to be healthier.  I'm also hoping to get a better grip on our finances.  So no more shopping ;(
4. Finally, take care of me.  I have to start taking time out for me to stay mentally well to deal with everyday life.  This is always hard with a family but I'll try to take at least 1/2 an hour to "fully" relax without thinking of next thing I need to do.  If watching old episodes of So you think you could Dance will help, I'm all for it. 

I'm hoping by the end of this year, I'll would achieved at least 2 of these goals.  It amazes me how fast this year has past.  This past year was crazy and I'm still getting a grip on what happened.  From starting a catering company to my little brother finally graduating college and moving away.  This following year, I plan to take it all in and enjoy every minute. 

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